‘A.C.O.D’ has a cast any comedy would envy, but the ratio of laughs to comedic geniuses on screen is very low. This is not to say the movie isn’t funny, but there are long stretches where very funny people are given no direction but to be sad and anxious.
‘A.C.O.D’ stands for Adult Children of Divorce. It follows Adam Scott and his awful family, chronicling the way ugly divorces and selfish parenting follow kids into their adult lives.
Amy Poehler, Catherine O’Hara, Jane Lynch, Richard Jenkins, Clark Duke – it’s like the improv comedy Justice League. While they don’t manage to make the angry, self-indulgent undertones of the story funny all of the time, they do elevate what could be a twee, precious film into something engaging and maybe a little bit hopeful.
I’m pretty sure you can get it on iTunes or Amazon right now. Solid pick if you like a little moping mixed in with the funny.
- Rated:R
- stressful comedy
- Release Date: 10/
- Directed by: stu zicherman
- Starring: adam scott, amy poehler, clark duke, jane lynch, jessica alba, richard jenkins