Gravity is less of a movie than a theme park ride for your face. Sure, there are some gossamer undergirdings of disconnection and rebirth, but rest assured that they are secondary to roller coaster ride.
The thing is, it’s a really good roller coaster ride. The premise of being adrift in space, alone is powerful in a Jungian archetype kind of way, and the constant stake-raising makes it feel like an exceptionally vivid IMAX stress dream.
On a slightly more meta level, director Cauron has done something very impressive here. You know going in that they didn’t shoot this movie in space. ‘Gravity’ is about as computer-animated as ‘Finding Nemo’, and yet just a few minutes in I stopped thinking about the digital artifice completely. The CG is so strong that with very few exceptions it gets out of the way for most of the film. If this movie doesn’t run the table of technical Oscars there is no justice.
I am aware that Neil de Grasse Tyson has weighed in on the ways the film is astrophysically inappropriate. I care not.
See it. But if you’re prone to nausea like that green kid on the Simpsons, consider a Dramamine beforehand.
- Rated:PG-13
- Release Date: 10/2013
- Directed by: alfonso cauron
- Starring: george clooney, sandra bullock
- Studio: you don't care. neither do I.