Mood Music – Theme from SWAT

Posted in Mood Music by - December 13, 2011

You live in a world of miracles. You need no more proof than this: the song below was a TV theme song. In 1976, a rather tedious police-themed action show somehow found itself with a theme so crazy funky that it’s still on heavy rotation here at the Daringtonium headquarters. In a medium that lends itself to pap like the themes to St. Elsewhere or LA Law, it’s an almost impossible gem. It’s a theme that deserved a better show. Listen to Rhythm Heritage lay it down and feel like a secret badass. Play it in your head when you need to make a presentation at work. Hum it as you walk over to the attractive stranger at the holiday party. Get into your car by sliding across the hood. You’re welcome.

This post was written by MisterDee

1 Comment

  • How did Mike Post’s deal with the devil allow this beautiful thing to happen?

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