Quick Review: Tron: Legacy

Posted in movies by - December 18, 2010

I was 12 when I saw “Tron.” That was the year I got my first home computer, a Commodore VIC-20. I was reading sci-fi so ravenously that year that I even finished the eleventy-thousand unforgivable pages of “Battlefield Earth”. I had callouses on my hands from the unforgiving Atari 2600 joystick and I had my initials on a stand-up here and there. I was the right age, with the right interests. I was absolutely and precisely the target market for “Tron”.

Did it ever work on me. I can’t imagine how bored my mother must have been sitting there watching it with us, but for me it was blissful. The vivid, rotoscoped colors, the Wendy Carlos electronic score, the freaking light cycles.

If I think back on it now, 28 years later, “Tron” was also cheesy, slow-moving and poorly plotted. You couldn’t have told any of that to 12-year-old me. There was so much for my young, nerdy senses to feed on that I’m sure I overlooked any shortcomings.

“Tron: Legacy” is also cheesy, slow-moving and opaque in the plot department. It’s also hamstrung by a lead actor who’s a lot more Skywalker than Solo, in terms of screen charisma.

That said, I still had a pretty good time. The special effects are a beautiful update of the original hand-painted graphics. The music is by Daft Punk, who make an extended cameo in the film as a silent DJ team. They hit all the bases I wanted to see re-imagined except for the gridbugs. I did miss the gridbugs. The 12-year-old me was more than satisfied with the 3D, Imax-ified visual feast on display.

The 40-year-old me really had no business waiting an hour in line for the first night of a Disney property aimed at tweeners, so his review is probably superfluous.

This post was written by MisterDee

1 Comment

  • smitty

    I can’t fault you on Tron because I took my clan by myself to relive some of my childhood. I enjoyed it.

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