Quick Review: Jennifer's Body

Posted in movies by - October 07, 2009

This movie is not scary. It’s occasionally gross, but it has very little in the way of suspense or terror. It’s being sold as a horror movie with Megan Fox, but the gore is just window dressing. What’s really inside is an occasionally insightful highschool movie about friendship.

Amanda Seyfried plays a wallflower suffering from a BFF relationship gone sour with local hottie Megan Fox, and despite the marketing campaign this is her movie. Megan Fox does just enough to sketch out her character but all the heavy lifting is left to Amanda. Whatever success this movie achieves is rightfully hers.

If you’re a fan of high-school movies populated with actors pushing 30, where girls greet each other with phrases like “Where’s it at, Monistat?” then by all means see it on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Otherwise, it will be on Starz very soon.

This post was written by MisterDee

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