I make fun of ringtone rap and R&B as much as anyone, so I’m a little ashamed of how much fun I’ve had playing with T-Pain’s iPhone App.
The app is simple. You plug your headphones or speakers in, you select a backing track (or go a capella if you’re so inlcined) and you start singing into the mic. The sound that comes out of the speakers is a pretty good approximation of the obnoxious voice control software got Jay-Z mad enough to get off the yacht and start rapping again.
The effect is borderline magical. Even your false notes sound weirdly awesome. While I’m rightfully ashamed that 3 of my dollars found their way into T-Pain’s clown pockets, I think it’s safe to bet I’m going to get hours of secret enjoyment out of it. It really is stupidly fun. Commercial for the I am T-Pain app