Quick Review: Kick-Ass

Posted in movies by - April 16, 2010

Kick-Ass is pretty great. Not perfect, but fast, funny, gory and enjoyable.

I haven’t read the comics it’s based on, so I can’t vouch for the film’s fidelity to its source material. I can, however tell you that it’s a good comic book movie. It has all of the over-the-top, operatic action sequences that make comic books fun, but also has enough humanity to keep from being silly.

The basic story is simple. Comic-book geek decides to try his hand at masked crime-fighting. He is not particularly skilled or effective in his new vocation, but his alter-ego becomes famous anyway. This fame brings out several more pseudo-superheroes, including a winsome 11-year-old girl who is startlingly effective at all aspects of caped crusading and the revenge-obsessed father who trained her.

The young lady’s superhero name is Hit Girl, and she steals the movie outright. She has a Billy Idol sneer, a Bourne Identity fighting style and an unapologetically filthy mouth. It was uncomfortable seeing her in peril or in pain, but it’s exhilarating to watch her kick ass. She is definitely going to be a popular costume this Halloween.

Organized crime is fought and vanquished. Ridiculous weapons are put to thunderous use. Life lessons are learned and dewy youths come of age. I will not burden you with the plot – superhero flicks are not really about plot.

If you like comic book movies, you should see it. If you like watching 11-year-olds talk smack and knife-fight, you should see it. If you’re in the market for a funny, teen-age version of Watchmen, you should see it.

There are definitely people who will find the swearing and the blood too much, but I don’t want to go to the movies with those people.

This post was written by MisterDee


  • Neil

    Gonna go check it out, been hearing good things. A friend turned me on to the comic several weeks ago, and it was pretty sweet!

  • “Dewey youths” “deeeeeewy youuuuuuuuths” Fun to say.

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